Student App
Admission Form

Student Registration Form

Student Information

Present Address

Permanent Address

Parent's Information

Student’s Educational Information

Documents to be upload


Scan & Pay


Fee Schedule

Yearly Fees to be paid in the prescribed format.

  • Late Fee charges of Rs. 100 per day will be levied on fees after the given dates.
  • For every default cheque, Rs. 1,000/- will be charged extra.
  • If there is a delay in fees submission for over two months, the name of the child is liable to be struck off the register. Rs. 3,000 will be charged for re-admission.
  • Fees once paid will not be refunded in any case.
  • The school reserves the full rights and authority to change the fee amount and other charges.

Transport Service

  • The vans will not wait for any student who is not ready and not waiting at the given points.
  • Parents will have to make their own arrangements for the same.

Admission / Withdrawal

  • Students seeking admission to classes first and above will have to produce an attested copy of the Birth Certificate and the Transfer Certificate duly signed by the Principal and countersigned by the competent government educational authority along with a verified photocopy of the report card of the previous class.
  • Admission will be confirmed only upon receiving the original TC (within 30 days from the date of joining); until then, it remains provisional.
  • The school reserves the right to refuse admission to any child without giving any reason whatsoever. The school also reserves the right to issue a school leaving certificate to any student who does not follow the school rules and regulations.
  • The decision of the management is final and binding. All issues will be settled at Ahmedabad Jurisdiction.

Declaration by the Parents

  • I hereby declare that the date of birth of my Son / Daughter is correct, and I will not demand any changes.
  • I have read the rules and regulations and shall abide by the rules framed by the school from time to time.
  • I hereby request the principal to reserve a place in the school for my son/daughter for the session beginning in June, or if there is no immediate vacancy, to register his/her name on the waiting list.
  • I declare that I have carefully read the prospectus and will abide by the rules laid down therein, and accept that they can be changed from time to time at the discretion of the school management.
  • I clearly understand that it is the fundamental policy of the school to treat all children alike.
  • I shall, therefore, neither ask for nor expect any privilege or concession for my son/daughter/ward.